401k vs TSP - Rollover?

I have two accounts from two previous jobs, and I’m starting a third job with yet another account. Please weigh in.

I have $60k in federal TSP. 80/20 C and S fund. No longer a fed.

$20k in Fidelity FXAIX.

No other real retirement savings but have equity in two houses, both still have mortgages and I’m in the process of selling secondary.

I’m not sure what other information is relevant, but my main question is: do I rollover TSP into fidelity? Or Fidelity into TSP? Keep them separate? What should my strategy be with adding a 3rd 401k account with a new job?

My initial plan was to keep TSP, but it has become less attractive in recent years so I’m not sure anymore. However, I have 20+ years to retirement and a lot could change between now and then. submitted by /u/HtPpr
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