Hit 500k net worth at 28 while going through a hard spell

I've not been doing that well lately (just started therapy!). I want a new job, a new living situation (I've been living with my parents, although it's a good location and setup), and a new girlfriend (recent chance at a relationship fell through).

Really not sure about what I want - like if I want to just travel long term, or what kind of job can make my daily life more fulfilling, or if I should move to another city (I'm about to work in Chicago for 7 weeks as a trial run of living there).

But I can celebrate I finally hit 500k net worth making around 100k in Atlanta. I had full scholarships for college and lived with family for cheap-ish on and off for the last 3-4 years (maybe half the time I was home and half the time I went digital nomad and worked while traveling)

Chase bank N/A (I have money in there but it's very paycheck to paycheck for my credit card bills)

Robinhood $53.2k

Inheritance AUD$10k so about $6.5k USD I'm still waiting to receive

Vanguard $265.8k (VOO/VTI brokerage $198.6k, Roth IRA $52.5k, treasury ~5% yield fund like a HYSA $14.6k)

Fidelity $174.5k (roth 401k $59.2k, before tax 401k $106.4k, HSA $9K)

53.2k + 6.5k + 265.8k + 174.5k = 500k! submitted by /u/ahouseofgold
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