Early Retirement Execution

Hello friends! I'm looking for resources (books, websites, podcasts, etc) that focus on the execution of early retirement. Searching for early retirement resources yields nothing but content on the journey to financial independence, but very luckily for me, I have been there and done that. I'm interested in the other side of that journey - the details of withdrawal strategies, taxes, etc etc.

I know it can be quite complicated, so I may well end up partnering with a financial advisor to construct and execute a plan, but I'd like to start getting informed on my own at the very least before going down that road.

A little about my situation in case it's helpful: my wife and I are both 40. We're currently expecting our second child in November. She's a social worker who works for our state and has incredible health insurance. I'm a software engineer. We have $1.3 million across our retirement accounts and $500k in a taxable brokerage. We live in a low cost of living area and own our house and two cars outright. Our annual spending is about $80k.

My wife grosses $72k. I gross $235k plus a target 20% bonus, plus some shitty company equity.

I'm going out on parental leave from November to March and I'm strongly considering not going back and being a stay at home mom for a spell. My wife's salary alone won't totally make ends meet, so we'd need to figure out something. But I feel like we could totally do it.

Any recommendations greatly appreciated, thanks! submitted by /u/heylookltsme
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