Military working towards FI.

34M with a stay at home wife and 1.5 year old. Military paid for my education (dental school: graduated 2018) and this late summer will mark my 6th year in the service. Due to the nature of my scholarship my time in school counted towards pay/retirement(my years of service is showing up as 10 and I am eligible to draw pension at age 44). Being very conservative I should be receiving around $3.2k/month after taxes per month (O4>20 in today's money) and before VA disability. I should be able to make O5 close to retirement though.

After separation, I plan on getting a part time job in private practice working 2-3 days a week. I should be able to pull at least 100k/year doing this(probably more).

Current net income and before TSP contribution: ~$11,200/month (LCOL overseas). I am being promoted this late summer and will bump up my pay to around $12k-$12.5k per month. We live pretty frugally but do splurge on travel and restaurants(not expensive ones).

Asset break down:


TSP: $25k(I just started contributing 2 years ago and just been doing 5% to get the full match)

Cash: 8K

Brokerage/HYSA: $360k( I made some unwise financial decision this past few years and hence my returns have been pretty abysmal (8% total). I was trading individual stocks but no losses overall fortunately). I will continue to invest in ETFs from now on and be conservative.

Kid's college will be covered by GI Bill.

Our monthly expenses average out to around $4k/month total including rent/utilities(sometimes a bit more). We travel very heavily but still able to save at least 50% of my net income per month. Wife will probably get a part-time job once kid is older.

Am I on the right track? Advice is appreciated. submitted by /u/Satoshinakamoto99
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