I’m 24, working fintech job and I feel lost…

Hey all! Let me give you some perspective and context. Originally from Ukraine, I moved to Budapest, Hungary at 19 in 2019, started with 100$ and barely speaking English and have built a phenomenal life there - mastered English, worked my way up in fintech, managed to save up 25k$ from stocks my company paid me, lived in nice city center apartment, had a decent girlfriend and great friend circle. At 22, I realized I can do more and always wanted to be an entrepreneur - so I use my opportunity to move to USA. Here at 24 now living in Florida. It was very tough in the beginning but 6month later I managed to get a remote fintech job similar to my first one in Miami. Median pay. The job was easy and during one year working there I managed to focus mainly on my gym goals, building new friendship and learning American culture. The reason I joined now is because I got very stuck right now… My job promoted me 9 month ago - but they didn’t increase my pay. I kept working because it was new responsibilities - but I ended up getting a few thousands dollars in debt… I moved out to live alone in a cheap apartment - and it made me feel depressed. I’m constantly stressed about money, I feel lost and even tho my job promised me 20k raise next month, I can’t be waiting anymore. My goals change. I realized I’m in America to make money. But I also want to keep building my body and I want a nice Ukrainian girlfriend to potentially build family with? I’m Chicago right now trying to find one lol. I don’t know how this happened and I hate the feeling of not progressing and just working to pay my bills…

Luckily I have my family with me in USA so I have stuff to fall back on.

But this whole money situation made me depressed af.

Now I’m thinking to get trucker job. I heard they pay 8-10k a month and free time while driving will allow me to focus on self development and building my online business and personal brand on YouTube. One of my goals is also to get to 100k ASAP. You know, the famous Charlie Munger quote. It is so scary tho to pull the plug. I’m extremely social person and I never felt this alone. And broke. I’m genuinely lost… submitted by /u/fire-starterer
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