Advice Where To Park 1M+ In Cash For A Month Or Longer


  • Retired a little over a year ago at age 46.
  • In year 2 of building a Roth IRA ladder.
  • Large pre-tax pile was primarily VTSAX but conversion money was directed to a relatively near term target date fund since it will be needed in 5 years
  • Have the 5 year "seed" money to cover building the ladder and this post is not about that money

Current Situation

After dropping over 6% in less than 2 weeks, I decided to pull out completely of my large VTSAX position in the pre-tax account. I completely understand that this may have been a colossally bad decision as no one can time the market but what is done is done.

I can't re-enter my position for at least 30 days per Vanguard and while I could probably buy a similar fund, I want to take some time and cool down.

Potential Options

  • Do nothing, leave the money in the settlement fund
  • Look at a fixed rate/time instrument such as CDs
  • Build an entirely new portfolio (e.g. 3 fund)
  • Move everything over to something lower risk/lower reward but likely to beat out fixed rate options
  • Something else entirely

What Is Your Advice?

Keep in mind that I am already retired and that I have the next 5 year's of expenses covered. If possible, try to be specific rather than "buy bonds".

submitted by /u/jgatcomb
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